lauantai 3. syyskuuta 2011

#1: Wolffie’s Banana Blueberry Muffins

Yes! Here we go!

Well. Very excited about this challenge. Though it's not a swell start: I hate bananas. Always have. Their too sweet and they taste and texture's sort of disgusting. I only use them, when I'm making a smoothie or something else where the texture of the banana is important, but the taste of it wont be a thing. Even with my dislike of bananas, these muffins were great! I was wondering why my muffins were very dark colored compared to Ravens muffins but I think it's because I used brown sugar and because I used frozen blueberries that were a little melted? Anyways, here is the picture. And apologies - I'm a chef, not a food photographer :-(

3 kommenttia:

  1. Could it be also that the blueberries you are using are proper wild forest blueberries instead of the ones they usually use at least in england, the fake ones that are WHITE inside and taste morel ike grapes anyway grrrrrr

  2. ike grapes, kanerva grapes HEHEEHEHE
